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Back to NewsroomSMRT Trains Contractor Safety Dialogue: Preventing Slips, Trips & Falls (STF)
December 11, 2023By Paul Chen

SMRT Trains Contractor Safety Dialogue: Preventing Slips, Trips & Falls (STF)

We are thrilled to have showcased our Hubble Platform at the SMRT Trains Contractor Safety Dialogue, with a special focus on Slips, Trips, and Falls (STF)! This event, held on 7 Dec 2023 (Thursday) at Sembawang Country Club, provided an incredible opportunity to connect with esteemed industry leaders, including the senior management of SMRT, STRIDES, Land Transport Authority (LTA) Singapore, The Singapore Contractors Association Ltd (SCAL) and Workplace Safety and Health Council, led by SMRT Trains President, Mr Lam Sheau Kai, SMRT Trains Senior Vice President, Rail Maintenance, Mr Ang Hang Guan and SCAL 1st Vice President, Mr Wilson Wong. 

Slips, Trips, and Falls (STF) can occur anywhere and lead to serious injuries. In 2023, STF remains the top cause of major workplace injuries in the manufacturing, construction, and transportation & storage sectors, with a rising incidence in Singapore. 

6 basic workplace safety and health WSH rules to prevent slips, trips and falls, STFs
6 Basic WSH Rules to Prevent STFs (source: WSH Council)

Having an open reporting system and implementing lessons learnt from incidents or near-misses are some of the ways shared during the dialogue. Hubble Safety Management System - Safety Inspection and Incident Management & Lessons Learnt modules which allows for safety concerns to be promptly addressed, easy documentation and sharing of lessons learned to educate and align teams. 

Manage and track incident reporting on the go, implement better safety practices

We are glad to support SMRT’s safety initiatives by showcasing our Hubble Platform and commitment to building a safe workplace environment for all contractors. Thank you SMRT Corporation Ltd for presenting us with the “Safety & Security Activist” medal, and a big thank you to everyone who visited our booth and engaged in fruitful discussions. 

By putting safety first, we can prevent STF incidents in the workplace. Together, let's continue striving for excellence in safety! Contact us to learn more.

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