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Back to NewsroomA group of workers on scaffolding at construction site
September 04, 2023By Belle Sie

Navigating MOM Work Permit Regulations: A Guide to Compliance and Hubble's Solution

Ministry of Manpower's Role in Enforcing Work Permit Regulations

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) enforces work permit regulations to promote a fair and transparent employment landscape. Employers and employees must comply with these requirements to maintain a harmonious working environment. This article will discuss the challenges and importance of following MOM's work permit regulations and how the Hubble Workforce Management System can help employers achieve seamless compliance.

Challenges in Compliance with MOM's Work Permit Regulations

Employers can find it daunting to navigate the complex landscape of work permit regulations. Compliance can become overwhelming due to changing requirements, complicated paperwork, and the need to maintain documentation. Employers may unknowingly fall out of compliance due to administrative errors, lack of awareness or unclear regulations.

The Significance of Compliance

The regulations for work permits set by MOM aim to protect the rights of both local and foreign workers and maintain the workforce's integrity. Adherence to these requirements guarantees equitable employment practices, safeguards workers' rights, and promotes the overall stability of the job market. Employers who fail to comply with MOM's regulations may face significant fines, legal consequences, and damage to their reputation.

Here are some key points related to work permit requirements for the construction sector in Singapore:

Types of Work Permits

Foreign workers in the construction sector typically hold Work Permits, specifically "Work Permit for Foreign Workers" (WP-FW). The type of permit depends on factors such as skill level, experience, and nationality. 

Qualification and Skills

To obtain a Work Permit in the construction sector, foreign workers must meet specific qualifications and skills criteria. There are different categories of permits for different skill levels.

Safety Training

Construction workers must undergo safety training courses, such as the Construction Safety Orientation Course (CSOC) and Apply Workplace Safety and Health in Construction Sites, to ensure they adhere to safety protocols on construction sites. This training is required for obtaining or renewing Work Permits.

Medical Examinations

Foreign workers may undergo regular medical examinations to ensure they are fit for work and not pose health risks to others.

Medical Insurance

As of April 2023, employers must buy a primary care plan (PCP) for foreign workers in the construction sector and those living in dormitories. 

Housing and Welfare

Employers are typically responsible for providing suitable housing and welfare facilities for foreign workers. MOM has guidelines and regulations to ensure decent living conditions for foreign workers in the construction sector. Recently, they have enforced a new mandatory guideline of requiring employers to show proof of suitable accommodation before bringing new non-Malaysian work permit holders to Singapore.

Employment Contracts

Employers must have written employment contracts with their foreign workers. These contracts should outline the terms and conditions of employment, including wages, working hours, and responsibilities.

Work Permit Renewal

Work Permits have a limited validity period, and employers must ensure timely renewal to prevent disruptions in their workforce.

Foreign Worker Levy

Employers are typically required to pay a monthly levy for each foreign worker. The levy amount may vary depending on factors such as the skill level and nationality of the worker.


From 1 January 2024, there will be revised regulatory changes in the construction sector, including a reduced Dependency Ratio Ceiling (DRC) and revised Levy rates for Work Permit holders. The Man-Year Entitlement (MYE) framework will also be removed. In light of these changes, businesses in the construction sector may face increased levy costs and a need to optimise their workforce management strategies. This is where the Hubble Workforce Management System steps in as a valuable ally. 

Enter Hubble Workforce Management System

The Hubble Workforce Management System is a digital platform designed to simplify and streamline the work permit management process for employers across various industries, addressing the challenges of MOM work permit compliance.

Given the overall increased levy costs and the lowered Dependency Ratio, companies can explore opportunities to enhance worker outcomes. The NTUC Company Training Committees (CTC) Grant, administered by NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute), offers support for entities looking to implement transformation plans that benefit both workers and businesses.  

The Hubble Workforce Management System plays a vital role in workforce optimisation, ensuring that employers have the right skills in the right place at the right time. This optimisation can indirectly contribute to better worker outcomes by increasing overall operational efficiency and potentially freeing up resources that can be directed toward initiatives like job redesign and the implementation of Career Development Plans (CDP). This aligns with the grant's broader goals of improving career prospects and wages for local workers (Singapore Citizens / Singapore Permanent Residents) while enhancing business capabilities, innovation, and productivity.

Schedule a demo with us on the Hubble Workforce Management System 

With the understanding that the Hubble Workforce Management System plays a crucial role in workforce optimisation, let's dive deeper into its key features and how it can empower businesses to navigate the evolving landscape of MOM work permit compliance.

Key Features and Benefits of Hubble

The Manpower Directory Module is essential for managing worker profiles and competencies. It is crucial for ensuring work permit compliance. This module is a part of the Hubble Workforce Management System, which simplifies the process of matching worker competencies with the right tasks. This way, employers can assign qualified workers to roles that match their skills, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Furthermore, the Manpower Directory Module securely tracks and manages worker skills, attendance, and records in real time. This ensures employers stay on top of work permit requirements and comply with MOM regulations. Employers receive timely notifications for work permit and passport expiry, allowing them to take proactive steps to renew permits. This helps avoid costly fines and disruptions in operations.

Overall, the Manpower Directory Module provides a centralised, organised, and secure database of worker information. This enhances compliance and helps employers manage their workforce efficiently.

Schedule a demo with us on the Hubble Workforce Management System

Accurately tracking attendance is crucial for complying with work permits, and the Manpower Attendance Module excels at it. This module eliminates time theft and unauthorised sign-ins through biometric facial recognition, ensuring only authorised workers are on-site. The time attendance system also offers real-time GPS tracking within the project site boundaries, providing employers with precise information about workers' whereabouts. This feature enhances compliance by ensuring that workers are present when they should be during their designated work hours. 

Furthermore, the module automates work-hour calculations for precise time and attendance tracking, helping employers manage overtime costs efficiently. Employers can also retrieve daily attendance and manpower utilisation reports for real-time manpower planning and accurate Electronic Productivity Submission System (ePSS) reporting, a critical requirement for MOM compliance. The Manpower Attendance Module ensures employers comply with MOM's stringent attendance and reporting regulations, reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.

Streamline Work Permit Management for Regulatory Compliance

It is legally and ethically required for companies to comply with the work permit regulations set by MOM. Adhering to these requirements contributes to a fair and respectful work environment while preventing potential legal and financial issues. The Hubble Workforce Management System is an invaluable tool for achieving seamless compliance. Its various features empower employers to confidently navigate the complex landscape of work permit management, ensuring that their workforce operates within the bounds of the law.

In today's ever-changing business world, incorporating technology-driven solutions like Hubble is crucial to maintaining a competitive advantage while upholding the values of compliance and transparency in workforce management. Schedule a demo with us today. 

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