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Back to NewsroomJurong Region Line JRL is Singapore’s seventh MRT line
July 16, 2024By Kelvin Tan

Concord Corporation in Enhancing Workplace Safety for the Power Supply System of Jurong Region Line

Concord Corporation Pte Ltd is a leading player in the construction industry, specialising in the supply and installation of power supply systems. One of their latest projects involves the J153, Jurong Region Line railway transportation project, where they are responsible for transforming workplace safety processes.

Operational Challenges

The installation of a power supply/distribution system involves various high-risk activities such as metalwork preparation, bracket cutting, assembly, installation using boom lifts, drilling, and transformer loading/unloading. These operations require stringent safety measures, specialised training, and precise compliance with safety regulations.

Diverse Work Activities

  • Metal work preparation for brackets
metal work preparation
  • Cutting, assembly, and installation of brackets
cutting assembly installation brackets
  • Installation of cable trays
installation cable trays
  • Loading and unloading of transformers using lorry cranes
transfomer oil filtration works

Safety Concerns

  • Lifting operations
lifting operations
  • Work at height
work at height
  • Hot works
hot works

Managing these activities requires comprehensive safety protocols, regular updates to checklists, and precise documentation to ensure compliance and worker safety.

How Hubble Platform Addressed Concord’s Needs

1. Simplifying Safety Checklist Management


Concord faced the complexity of managing multiple types of safety checklists across diverse work activities, including lifting operations, working at height, and hot works. Each type of work had its own unique safety checklist that needed to be maintained and updated regularly. The risk of using outdated checklists was high, leading to potential safety lapses.


The Hubble Form Builder provided Concord with the flexibility to maintain both company-wide and project-specific checklist templates. This allowed them to efficiently customise and update checklists, ensuring they reflect the latest safety standards and regulatory requirements. For instance, when preparing for tasks such as bracket cutting or transformer installations, Concord could easily create or modify checklists specific to these activities. This streamlined process eliminated the risk of using outdated checklists, ensuring that site safety plans were implemented accurately and consistently across all operations. The ability to tailor checklists to specific tasks and update them in real-time made it easier for Concord to manage the safety protocols for multiple work types, enhancing overall site safety and compliance.

2. Verifying Worker Competency and Training


Ensuring only trained and competent workers are assigned to specific tasks, a process traditionally managed through time-consuming manual methods.


By integrating the ePTW module with the training and attendance records from the manpower directory, Concord could swiftly verify worker qualifications. For example, welding is a critical task requiring high skill levels and current certifications. Welders must undergo regular refresher training to maintain their qualifications. Hubble Platform allows Concord to quickly check that all welders assigned to tasks have up-to-date certifications, ensuring only competent and qualified welders are deployed. This reduces the risk of substandard work and enhances overall safety.

3. Ensuring Equipment Safety and Readiness


Ensuring all tools and equipment are serviceable and safe for use, particularly for tasks involving work at height.


Hubble’s ePTW module integrated with the equipment asset directory, giving Concord real-time visibility into equipment inspection, maintenance, and certification records. This was particularly critical for the installation of cable trays spanning multiple stories, which required boom lifts. The system ensured that only serviceable equipment was assigned, reducing the risk of accidents due to faulty machinery and enhancing worker safety.

4. Streamlining Documentation and Permit Review


Managing and reviewing lifting plans, test certificates, and risk assessments for critical operations like loading and unloading transformers with a lorry crane was traditionally a challenge. Safety officers had to sift through physical copies, often disorganised and susceptible to weather damage or misplacement or becoming outdated.


Hubble Platform allows Concord to attach photos and supporting documents directly within the ePTW module. During the transformer loading and unloading operations, safety officers could easily access the latest approved lifting plans, test certificates, and risk assessments electronically. This eliminates the need to handle physical documents on-site, which can become soiled or damaged. The optional Hubble Document Management System further streamlined this process by allowing users to link all relevant documents in their PTW application, making them easily accessible to stakeholders and ensuring they are always up-to-date. This not only improved the efficiency of permit reviews but also enhanced the accuracy and reliability of the documentation, ensuring safer operations.

5. Managing Work Conflicts in Real-Time


Preventing conflicting work activities, such as hot works and refuelling or hot works and confined space entry, from occurring simultaneously.


Hubble’s ePTW module automatically detects and maps out any overlapping isolation zones from these activities in real-time. For example, during welding and bracket cutting activities, it is crucial to prevent hot works from being performed near refuelling operations due to the risk of igniting flammable materials. Similarly, hot works near confined spaces can lead to hazardous fumes and a lack of oxygen, endangering workers inside. Hubble alerts users to these conflicts, prohibiting applicants from applying for conflicting permits. This proactive approach minimises the risk of dangerous work conflicts and significantly enhances site safety.


The Hubble Platform has significantly enhanced Concord Corporation’s ability to manage workplace safety and operational efficiency in the J153, Jurong Region Line project. By leveraging customisable checklists, integrated training and attendance records, robust equipment management, streamlined documentation, and real-time conflict alerts, Concord ensures a safer and more efficient work environment. Hubble's comprehensive solutions enable Concord to uphold the highest safety standards, ensuring regulatory compliance and protecting the well-being of their workforce.

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